No fine pitch gun screws anywhere on this sight. I will try and get another photo if you like to see how I modified the windage to make it a little more user frinedly. I mention the elevations, because if you try and adapt a high quality, true vernier such as one of the Montana companies produce you may need to go a lot higher with a front globe. You are facing a lot of discontinued options here. I think the AUG is 0.6 high from the bottom of the dove tail. I have one on another TC, with a longer slow twist barrel and that sight is 1/2 way up the elevation. Th sight is 1 division up from the lowest with the AUG front. The first photo is a Renegade shooting Lee REAL bullets. But it is made to fit and looks the part. You may have to drill and tap one screw hole. The globe can take a variety of inserts and others available.
You can retain the front sight or use a Lyman AUG globe. I replaced my Allen stop screws with slotted screws and a lock nut. If you follow? It also has a windage that is either you loosen the disk and slide it around or use the horizontal stop screw. It is not an actual vernier, but it is a ladder.