Iceberg was founded in Italy and debuted on the market in 1974. That’s when the iconic silhouettes and designs of Iceberg were born. swf files with vector shapes, catalogs that use this mechanism (such as Penguin Style) no longer have secret items in them. A collection of pullovers designed by him laid the early basis for Iceberg Already in 1978 Castelbajac created knitwear with big pop art designs of famous comic characters like Felix the Cat, Snoopy and Bugs Bunny.
Upper-left lotus in the Golden Sun Suit pageīlack/red puffles on the Puffle Houses page Upper-right lotus in the Lightning Gi pageīottom-right lotus in the Ink Ceremony Robe page
Revealing the Blue Viking Helmet and clicking Helga Secret items by catalogs Penguin Style Main article: List of Secret Items in the Penguin Style Furniture Catalog Main article: List of Secret Items in the Furniture Catalog Puffle Catalog Placeīlack and red puffles, on the puffle houses pageĭragging down the back cover 'How to get Coins' box